Driftory Rises!

Ian Gilman
Nov 14, 2020


Back in 2013 I made Driftory, a comic layout and presentation tool; basically my take on Scott McCloud’s Infinite Canvas concept. I put up a bunch of simple comics (with permission from their authors), and a few comic artists added their own, but it never really took off. Fast-forward to 2020, and an established artist, Stuart McMillen, has decided to use Driftory to build his latest comic (on the topic of Universal Basic Income)!

I’m excited that Driftory is getting use, and perhaps even more so because Stuart is providing me with all sorts of great feedback. I originally built it imagining what a comic artist would need, and it seems I’ve gotten some of it right, but there are also things that just didn’t occur to me. It’s great to see the tool evolving, and I’m looking forward to reading the resulting comic!

So, that’s what I’m working on these days. I have already made some updates to the Driftory website, and I’m working on a standalone viewer (using OpenSeadragon, naturally). If you’re interested in comic creation or web development, you’re welcome to come play. Otherwise, stay tuned for the final result!



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